Monday, May 14, 2012

Work Cited

A Summary of the 1765 Stamp Act. The Future May Learn from It's past. N.P., 11 Apr. 2012. Web. 8 May 2012.

Colonial America 1765. Most Popular Searches. N.P. Web. 8 May 2012.

John, Alexander K. Stamp Act of 1765. Wikipedia. Web. 5 May 2012.

Library, Lilly. American History Documents. An Act for Granting and Applying Certain Stamp Duties and Other Duties, in the British Colonies and Plantations in America...London, Mark Baskett...1765. N.P. Web. 8 May 2012.

N.P. Stamp Act. Stamp Act. N.P., 8 May 2012. Web. 8 May 2012.

N.P. Stamp Act Facts. Stamp Act Information. N.P., 8 May 2012. Web. 8 May 2012.

N.P. Stamp Act. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 June 2012. Web. 08 May 2012.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Stamp Act Facts

  • The British Parliament made the decision to install the Stamp Act On March 22, 1765.
  • It was not scheduled to take effect until November 1st. 
  • It Gave The Colonist half a year to let the government know their opinion. 
  • Massachusetts had experimented with the Stamp duties before 1765. 
  • American Colonist were forced to pay the fee on every single piece of paper.
  • Officials placed a Stamp as proof of the payment. 
  • The People who were most effected by this act was lawyers, printers, merchants, ministers, and business people. 
  • In order to pass the law Britain had to help organize colonial protest to extend the Act.
  • This was the most significant causes of the American Revolution.   

Finding The Stamp Act interesting

The Stamp Act Of 1765 
The Stamp Act caught my interest because everyone around the world uses Stamps nowadays. it would be good to learn about how the Stamp Act Actually began. It began to interest me by how it works and how it all started. I've always wanted to know why they wanted to start the Stamp Act and where the tax money goes to.  It made me curious because the money they receive comes out of everyone's pocket when it comes to sending any type of mail to anyone around the world. I wanted to know what kinds of people were effected by this act. This topic may also interest not only me but other people in the world. It could interest them because they may send mail on the daily basis and not even know where the money they pay for stamps goes to. I know that Stamps aren't cheap and i know millions of people were upset when they found out about having to pay for Stamps. There was many crisis going on around the this time .

The Location where the Stamp Act Took Place

Stamp Act Imposed on The American Colonies
The Stamp Act was located and first started in The American Colonies of British America. The Stamp Act Had been Enforced to many countries such as Australia, China, Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, Israel, The United Kingdom, And the United States Of America. The Stamp Act started small then Grew To many countries around the world. Everyone uses Stamps to send out all their mail. You have To use a stamp no matter who and where your sending it to.

The Evolution Of The Stamp Act

The Loyal Nine & The Sons of Liberty Stamps 

The evolution of the Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765. The British victory for the seven years war had ended up being known as the French and Indian War. During the war the British National debt had began to rise more and more each day. The Ministry had decided that they wanted to keep ten thousand regular British Soldiers in the American Colonist. Which they knew was going to cost a lot of money. The Prime Minister George Grenville had to find every way possible to pay for the large peacetime army. They were doing this Act to help everyone around them not just one person. They never directly taxed the colonies to raise revenue, It began with the Sugar Act and then lead to The Stamp Act.

The issues associated with the Stamp Act

British Troops at war
British Troops 
 The issues that were associated with the Stamp Act was That it had required a person to pay a tax on every piece of printed material. The printed materials were things such as legal documents, magazines,newspapers, And any other papers that were used through the colonies. The purpose of this tax was to help pay for the troops that were stationed in the North America After the British Victory War that was Seven years. The Stamp Act was also there for granting and applying the Stamp duties in The British Colonies and in the Plantation in America. This wasn't just involving one person it involved many that used printed materials And that needed to be sent out to someone. The law took it in the wrong way to the colonist was because of the standards that had been set for the Stamp Act. It wasn't so much of the cost because it was not as expensive.

The important People Associated With The Stamp Act

 The people who associated with the Stamp Act was the British Parliament but on the Colonies of British America. The Stamp Act was imposed on all American Colonist, Which had required  them to pay a tax on every piece of paper that was being used. The meeting that was held for the Stamp Act was consisted of Representatives. The secretary of the meeting in the New York City Hall was John Cotton. John Cotton was the congress secretary. But This Act was introduced and Announced by The Prime Minister Of Great Britain  George Grenville. As he Announced the Stamp Act, The public acted with disobedience And Riots began throughout the colonies in America. Some of the Colonial protesters began to burn The Stamp Act papers. Many didn't seem to happy about this act because they have to pay taxes on something they use daily. It wasn't just a few people that had to do with The Stamp Act is was Many people in The American Colonies. 
British Parliament 
George Grenville